Zemanta, semantic content advisor

Image representing Zemanta as depicted in CrunchBase
Image by Zemanta via CrunchBase

Zemanta is a plugin that provides semantic relevant content to use in your blog posts. Its available as IE or Firefox extension, and as server-side plug-in for WordPress and few other blogging platforms.

It is still a little buggy, for instance after activation in WordPress I could no longer edit properties of images in my posts.

Its an interesting idea, check it out, but wait for an more stable release.

Last two of Ender Shadow series

During my vacation I finally finished last two books of Enders Shadow series: “Shadow Puppets” and “Shadow of the Giant“. I enjoyed these books as I like Orson Scott Card’s style, buy I must say that 4 books of the original Ender series was much more interesting as the later did not have so much of the SF bits in them.

Now I will try out another series by Scott Card: “Homecoming”, beginning with “The Memory of Earth

Just found a new t-shirt store :)

Design by humans
Design by humans

“Design by Humans”, great design and good prices. I just ordered two t-shirts. Check it out.


I received the t-shirts after a week. They fit and look great. Only downside is that due to shipping option Design by Humans offer, the chance that your package get stuck in customs is much greater. That makes it a very expensive and not any good deal anymore.

Want a cheaper t-shirts? Check: http://www.threadless.com/. They do not have same print quality but the price is ends 50% below (with better and more safe shipping option).



This is my favorite Deimos setup.

[Deimos + Electron + Plate]
Armor Explosive Hardener II
Armor EM Hardener II
Reactor Control Unit II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
10MN MicroWarpdrive II
Stasis Webifier II
Warp Disruptor II
Heavy Electron Blaster II,Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II,Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II,Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II,Void M
Heavy Electron Blaster II,Void M
Medium Diminishing Power System Drain I
Trimark Armor Pump I
Trimark Armor Pump I
Drones_Active=Hammerhead II,5

Setup created in EFT. You can copy paste that in your Deimos.cfg file or create a new one.

A Brief and briefer History of Time

A Brief History of Time
A Brief History of Time
A Briefer History of Time
A Briefer History of Time

Finally I managed to get trough this book/books. I read first 6 chapters 3-4 years ago in the “Brief” book, but then I got stuck ;). A month ago I found a CD book with a recording of the “Briefer” version. It helped me to get trough it. Even if something my be missing from the original book, I liked most the first chapters as they had most impact om me.