Tag Archives: usability

Defensive design for the web

I just finished this “40-guidelines-book” for web development/usability.

It covers 40 error handling and usability principles. Many of them may be standard functions that you always implement and include, but I found a few that I have not thought about before. Thanks to this book, it will help me to build even better websites :).

You can find it at Amazon or Adlibris.se

Don’t make me think

Don't make me think by Steve Krug
Don't make me think by Steve Krug

My first book on my vacation. It did reinforce the importance of few usability issues for me.

Some important points made in this book:

  • Back button is most used feature in web browsers. Always see to that it works correctly with your web application.
  • People don’t read web pages, they scan them until they find first item that may mach theirs needs.
  • All clickable items on a page should look clickable.
  • Do not present user with to many choices (search options).
  • User testing is very important. Test you ideas often on small groups: 3-4 people.